We constantly research and develop new solutions to deliver outstanding results for our student.
Read More‘Haryana Kick-boxing Association (HKA-Regd.)’ is the sole representative of “National Kickboxing Federation”, affiliated with “ World Association of Kickboxing Organizations ” (WAKO). It has been promoting and controlling Kickboxing Sports in the entire state of Haryana since 1999. HKA has its state headquarter at Faridabad.
Kick boxing Sports has maintained its popularity and position in Haryana. Within a short span of time, it achieved unprecedented popularity among martial artists and youth.
Kickboxing also boomed because of the continuous efforts of Sh. Anand Mohan Sharan, IAS, President of Haryana Kickboxing Association. In this fast-paced world ‘Haryana Kickboxing Association’ has established its name and got fame notjust in Haryana but all over India.
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Today, one of our dreams has been realised. WAKO has been officially recognised by the “International Olympic Committee (IOC)” as a member provisionally, at the IOC Executive Committee meeting today in Tokyo. This is the biggest step in the history of our sport. ...
Read moreLorem Voluptatum esse repudiandae earum, unde odit quaerat animi facere aspernatur molestiae facilis expedita aut dolorem, deleniti necessitatibus! Quasi voluptas facilis eum odio expedita, facere, ex omnis placeat magni...
Read moreझज्जर जिले की बेटियों ने बढ़ाई शान, प्रतिभा से दुनिया में किया नाम : सोनल गोयल, उपायुक्त – झज्जर आज झज्जर जिला उपायुक्त श्रीमती सोनल गोयल, आई. ऐ. एस. ने गोयला कलां की सुश्री कुसुम को किकबॉक्सिंग मंल गोल्ड जीतने पर किया सम्मानित. झज्जर जिले के गांव गोयला कला की बेटी कुसुम ने कोलकाता में 2 से 5 दिसंबर को आयोजित “राष्ट्रीय सीनियर किकबॉक्सिंग प्रतियोगिता” में गोल्ड मेडल हासिल किया है।
Read moreLorem Voluptatum esse repudiandae earum, unde odit quaerat animi facere aspernatur molestiae facilis expedita aut dolorem, deleniti necessitatibus! Quasi voluptas facilis eum odio expedita, facere, ex omnis placeat magni Quasi voluptas facilis eum odio expedita, facere, ex omnis placeat magni ...
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